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Running Falcon from a Windows Container

Running Falcon from a Windows Container

I haven’t shown much love for Windows lately, so I felt like doing a post about deploying a Falcon app to a Windows Server Core container. This should be pretty quick.

Let’s build our Falcon app.

Open a PowerShell and enter the following, I assume you have Python 3.6.x installed.

Create your virtual environment first.

~$ python -m venv ./venvs/falcon

Now activate it.

~$ .\venvs\falcon\Scripts\Activate.ps1
(falcon) ~$

Install Falcon and uWSGI into that virtual environment.

~$ pip install falcon waitress

Now create the folder for your code.

~$ mkdir falcon
~$ cd falcon

We will not need any additional packages so let’s freeze our requirements.

~$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

We will use the create a super simple example of a falcon app. Once the falcon code has been created save it as Since we installed waitress, which is a WSGI server that runs on Windows, we will import and use it in this example.

import falcon
from waitress import serve

class HelloWorld(object):
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        """Handles GET requests"""
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200  
        resp.body = '{"message": "Hello world!"}'

app = falcon.API()

hello_world = HelloWorld()

app.add_route('/', hello_world)

serve(app, listen='*:8080')

Now you can run it with the following:

~$ python .\

Navigate to the following and you should get back a simple JSON message. Now our app works.

Finally, we are to the point we are going to wire up the container. The Python foundation is awesome and provides pre-baked images for Windows Server Core. Here is the Dockerfile that we need to create.

FROM python:3.6.5-windowsservercore-1709

COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["python"]
CMD [""]

This should all look pretty standard. Now it is time to build the image, just know there will be a few warnings about the path. These are not critical for this example.

~$ docker build -t falcon .

Now let’s run it, we will use a different port to show it is working.

~$ docker run -d -p 3000:8080 falcon

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and the message from above should be seen.

Hope someone finds this helpful and that Python runs just fine on Windows containers.

If you enjoy the content then consider buying me a coffee.