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Poshpy: Easier PowerShelling from Python

My recent post on executing PowerShell from Python has led me to create a Python package for making it even easier to execute PowerShell from Python. My package is called poshpy and the source code is up on GitHub. I have started thinking about a roadmap of features that could be useful. One item that will be a focus was suggested on Reddit, which adds the ability to handle returned objects. I have a rough idea of that one that I hope to have it implemented shortly. If there is anything you would like to see, please open an issue on GitHub first before doing any work to discuss. Here is a short example of the current API, which may change or evolve over time.

import poshpy

completed_cmd = poshpy.execute_command("Write-Host 'Hello Wolrd!'")
if completed_cmd.return_code == 0:

Now you can build up a multiline command like so:

import poshpy

my_command = '''\
Write-Host "Hello %s"
''' % "world"

completed_cmd = poshpy.execute_command(my_command)
if completed_cmd.return_code == 0:

I hope that you will find this as useful as I feel that it is. I already have some use cases for it, so keep an eye for a few tweets from me.

Thanks for reading,


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