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Standing Desk

I have been wanting to try a standing desk for little over a year. I have been hesitant to make the commitment, but I have just completed three days with a standing desk and I will say it has been awesome. The first day I stood way too much, but then the last two days I feel I mixed it up just enough that I was not as tired and felt way better.

Part of the struggle with a standing desk was finding the best solution that was economical and flexible. A fixed standing desk would have required buying a new chair as I would have wanted a task type chair and an adjustable desk, like the Geek Desk, would be very expensive. So after looking for sometime I settled on the VerideskPro, it has a nice large platform and will work on any table/desk. So far it has proven to be very stable and with plenty of room. Adjustment is super simple and it is easy to lift. Another benefit is it also raises my monitor while I am sitting. I would like a little more monitor height when standing, but so far it has been very close.

Here is my desk now:


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